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Over the last few years I have been struggling to find what I want to do as a job or career, and about a year ago I felt it on my heart to go on The World Race. After struggling to find motivation, and dealing with some health problems I had to decide if I could actually handle the 9 months. I spent a lot of time really wondering, and asking God if the 9 months would be something I should do. Eventually I was talking to my mentor / leader and she brought up that they aslo have a semester version that would be only 3 months. It was then when i realized that was what i wanted, and needed to do. Even after switching trips I struggled to find any motivation to fundraise at all.
At some point I was talking to one of my mentors, and she ended up telling me that she felt like God was calling me to go into the military. It was then when i realized that I really needed to start fundraising, and working towards my goals. After some time I felt like God was teaching that I need to be bold, and confident especially when it comes to this.
Over the last few weeks I have been really working on being bold, ans facing my fears of talking to people about my trip, and I have ended up seeing a whole new side of me that I never really knew was there.

I saw this quote a while back and it said ” I’ve found thst if I pray for God to move a mountain I must be prepared to wake up next to a shovel. ” and I’ve come to realize that it is very true. Once I was told by my mentor that I was supposed to go into the military I knew that I seriously had to start working towards that goal.
My whole life I have always done the bare minimum, and haven’t really tried to get what I wanted or needed, and I was okay with that, but recently God has been teaching me how to work for what I want and need. It hasn’t been easy, but it has beem rewarding.

Thank you all who have prayed for me, and who have helped me fundraise.
– Emily❤

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Emily Holdeman

This blog for Emily Holdeman is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.